STZ IT Solutions

Providing High-Quality Marine Satellite Antenna and Network Infrastructure Installations

Our Specialities

When aesthetics and a system’s ease‑of‑use are high on the priority list, while having the latest industry‑standard equipment cleanly installed, labeled, and complete with as‑built manuals, choose STZ for a worry‑free upgrade on your vessel.
Whether your requirements involve a VSAT Antenna installation or new servers, switches, and workstations, we stand ready to do whatever's necessary to ensure your vessel’s departure deadline is not simply a hope but a reality.

STZ exclusively uses KVH Marine Satellite Antenna Systems

Satellite Antenna systems for vessels come in two varieties:

VSAT Antennas provide Internet for people and companies that absolutely need to be online anywhere at any time.

TVRO (TV Reception Only) Antennas provide access to Satellite TV services so you can enjoy the same Premium High-Definition Channels at sea as you do at home.

We’ve included several options. Please check out the VSAT and TVRO pages for more information.

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